Monday, September 20, 2010

First is First

Last time on my mind:
  1. I have decided I want to be a writer. This has been a dream of mine since I was very young, but now I have grown up and remembered who I was.
  2. I have a multitude of projects on my mind, but I will be focusing on my main novel, Bard's Blade.
  3. I plan on trying to get published. So in a way this is my written memoir and steps taken to that end of being published.
So to start I will just retell what has happened to this point in my writing career.

Freshmen year of college at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, I figured out that I did not want to grow up. Short one Never Never Land I decided to create my own. To that end I created Bard's Blade.

I took more writing courses and extra-curricular English classes. I even managed to get the okay from a professor of infinite awesomeness to let me write this novel for English Creative Writing credits--it was a good intersession.

Now I have joined several book/literature clubs and a writing forum (Legend Fire) to help further my reading, editing, and writing skills. I have also taken to editing an online magazine to help learn how publishing, marketing, and editing/compiling all work.

I am about eleven chapters in, and just started rewriting to check how the other nine (goal amount of chapters is twenty) should be written.

Bard's Blade is a fantasy-science-fiction story about the wars between good, evil, and the in-between parts. The main focus is on human(-ish) struggle against what is right. In its finished state it should be nine to twelve books (possible more depending on printing avenues).

In up coming blogs I will tell how I came to the decisions I have and what I have learned since I started working on this project. Also additional news about my project.

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